Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wind Burn On Face Babies

friends of former friends and former

We are social animals. We like to live in a pack. We like to have next to people and build relationships. The clan, family, group of friends, fellow travelers, those with whom we say good morning and good evening, and only those with whom we go a little further ...

When my teacher wanted public explain something a little complex went to the blackboard and began to say: We are Tom, Dick and Harry.
Tom, Dick and Harry are great friends.
Mevio so and have been together for a lifetime. Caio and spin a few years. Harry and Calpurnius about ten months. All six are attending quite regularly.
One day (for some mysterious reason the professor did not provide examples of my bad days or several suckers ever) decides to leave They spin Caio (precisely: it seems to me one day anything but good). Why do so is not relevant. You did not want to know why they were together so do not even tell you why it's over (sometimes the confidentiality of this borders on the pathological old lawyer Genovese).
Tom, and Harry Mevio now run by Caio because that is how we behave on these occasions.

Calpurnius, however, prefers to remain aloof. A little 'because it feels too much, a little' because, at least until now, has never made any distinction between Tom, Dick, and Mevio spin. For him they are all friends of Harry, and do not see why they should consider them otherwise. What happened between Dick and spin, after all, involves only the two of them.
the evening comes and asks Harry Calpurnius news of Caius. After being briefed, question is how to spin. "They spin, and who knows? We are the friends of Gaius. He thought his friends."

We are social animals. We like to live in a pack. We like to have next to people and build relationships. Pleasure, my name Calpurnius. In the past I was spinning and tomorrow, but I hope not, I might even be Harry. I suppose each of us has his ideas on dealings with the former (mine are pretty clear: if you spend your entire life with someone and then life has played a bad shot does not mean that you have to pretend that the 'nothing has ever existed). And as for the friends of ex or former friends? Possible that there is a shared on etiquette? It must be its a jungle in which everyone does as he pleases? We could not put all finally agree? We could not decide that every time a couple breaks, the situation is complicated enough of his own, without all the other people involved begin to stand and take sides? Is there really something so wrong in wanting to continue to attend the friends of your ex or your friends' ex?
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Distance: 30.440 km
Time: 2 24 '00''
Average speed: 12.68 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1437.154
km course in the last 12 months:


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