Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fakku Server Isnt Found


Yesterday evening.

- Bibo, sorry: I have to finish a job in the office. Do you mind if I arrive in three quarters of an hour?
- Quiet, Lucifer. Finish whatever you need to do. I so much want to see that they are already in the street but it is not a problem. Maybe I pedal a little 'to warm up. And then I camped in front of your door until you arrive. But then came, right?

hour later.

- Hello, who is speaking? Hello, AmicaB, how nice to hear. I'm fine, thanks. And you? What am I doing? Well, in truth, Lucifer and I've just entered home. We pulled out of the freezer a mountain of frozen pizzas and prepare for an evening based on movies, junk food and cuddles under the covers. What are you doing? Oh, I see ... Are you alone ... Your husband is away ... Have you finished the milk for the baby ... I understand, imagine, of course ... Quiet: I have already put away pizzas. Do not worry. No matter if you live across town. I buy milk and I bring for you. But noooo, I figured if Lucifer gets mad. I'll be right.
- AmicaB?
- Already ...
- You have to go?
- Yes, but check back soon.
- I'll walk.
- You are great!

Several later

- Well? What do you think? I know: The evening did not come just as we wanted. When we returned, we were so hungry that we devoured the pizza without even godercele. But now we are here on the couch, tightly, and look ... Tell me if Peter Sellers is not a monster talent.
- zzzzz.
- Lucifer?
- Zzzzzzzzz ...
- What? Sleep? There's Dr. Strangelove, Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece of immortal and you sleep? Oh well. I understand: you're tired. Hold me tight. There we see him again. I almost close my eyes, me too.
- zzzzz.
- zzzzz.

this morning.

- Yawn, what time is it?
- Five.
- Go to run?
Yes - I get up. We have breakfast together.
- No. .. Please ... Continue to sleep. Already I feel pretty bad about last night. See you later. I do not want to lose sleep because of me ...
- Er, Lucifer?
- Yes, Bibolotti?
- Do not hate me. Sorry ... Not that you could lift only for a moment? Only to come to close the door? You're a treasure. Thanks. Back to sleep. You're right: it takes a lot of patience with me. Telephone when you come back, so I re-open. Smak.

few hours later.

- Ready, Super, how are you? Why am I looking for? The FraStellino told you he was going to take a bike ride but was vague and you thought he would do with me? Of course one can not keep a Cecil in his mouth. However, it is true we do a ride along the Canal Grande until Abbiategrasso. How? If you come too? Mah .. Well ... Really was something between males. And already then that gate at which he goes about it quite slow: only lacks that come along with that kind of seat to pedals. Then you'll definitely do the other. Are you sure? Alright then. Noooo ... that does not disturb Imagine: it is a pleasure. See you in ten minutes.

dusk, in the countryside of Lombardy.

- Wait, wait. Stop.
- What? You got stuck in the chain in the trench coat? But how you dressed? I did not realize we were going in the country?
- The FraStellino left behind.
- Ohibò, FraStellino that happen? How come you're not riding? Do you have pierced? Are you ill? What!? Do you see a sign selling fresh cheese and now you want to go into this farm forgotten by God and men? But we did not have to do some 'sport, a male thing, serious stuff? Your sister was not enough that slows us down as a black cat attacked the Maronites? Now you also have to do the humanitarian and rehabilitation of the GDP in rural areas? No, thanks, will definitely be very good but I do not want a piece of Taleggio cheese. And even the gorgonzola. Yes, I know that I love it, but do not want it. Can we go? The tomino? And a ton of sausage? And those there so what are they? But what do you have? You must fill in the pantry? Hands off the cookies, do not even think about it. What do you mean that you have to sit at a picnic with yogurt? Okay. It does not matter. The important thing is to spend some 'time together. While you're at, fatemene taste a spoon. But! Good ...

morale (if there be a need for power): to drive human relationships just a little 'patience (to friends, brothers, boyfriends, crazy people who run the State upset Giovi before sunrise).

View Larger Map
Distance: 33.070 km
Time: 2 45 '00''
Average Speed: 12.03 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1465.993
km course in the last 12 months: 3034.960


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