Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pilonidal Sinus Infection And Herpes

05 October 2010

The desecration of the banal

Deposited by

Paulo Brabo

Stocked in Society

Say me that what's bad in big social networks of the Internet is the emptying of privacy, the glorification of the snapshot, alienation from reality and the pulverization of the attention should be devoted to issues and people of flesh and bone. To these I often remember that none of these trends was generated by social networks, and none is in exclusive possession of them.

For my part, I have no illusions of privacy, should have no reckless colonizer of the Internet. Nor does it shock me to see publicly exposed what has been called "personal" - since all that is worthy of being appreciated, and any author in any medium, is invariably of confessional nature.

What bothers me about the abominations like twitter misfortunes and how orkut is not the glorification of the commonplace, but precisely the opposite: the desecration of the banal.

There is something sacred in the commonplace, when it was counted as a night's sleep and observe that something did not go down well at breakfast. I'm old fashioned enough to believe that this belongs to the ordinary sacred context and interdict, and share it with everyone (ie anyone) is equivalent to stripping him of his precarious beauty. It is right and good thing that the lecturer presenting the convictions of your heart, what it takes to be absolutely vital and true, before a crowd and changing anonymously: a little confession, the pain back, the price of medicine and discomfort with the shoes, precisely because of its sacred banality should remain reserved for some inner circle - a spouse, friend, children, the elevator. The statesman must reclaim their lives with the doorman and the butcher who never laughs should play with his son before the dung beetle turns, but these liturgies are to be performed in small, in one by one. This modesty is not intended, of course, to preserve some illusory image immaculate, but precisely the opposite: because only the mask of illusion escapes the public (and the Internet are all public figures), keeping sacred interdict and the tiny circle of control Real life, in which there are only ourselves, others and the little things.

Rereading this note and the inevitable occurs to me: it is so commonplace that reflection should have stayed to myself.


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