Thursday, September 30, 2010

Can Humans Get Cat Hepatitis

Milanesi with heart in hand

In my opinion, the dinners of leftovers are the best . First of all, you do not cook: you just open the fridge and put on the table. At best, stick in the oven and everything is ready in five minutes. Then, you do not have the pressure of the night before, when you tried to make a good impression with the guests and you lose half of speeches to go back and forth from the kitchen, fill the glasses and make sure everyone was comfortable and happy. Finally, the company is always the best, because this type of dinner we invite only the people with whom you really trust.

Unfortunately, however, is not what I speak (but if you have something to add, have a seat for me, too, that the topic is interesting and if you are a magician to transform leftover veal in tuna sauce appetizers, then we could become friends to the skin).

the other night and I Super we have been since FraStellino for an excellent dinner of leftovers (since he an elegant gourmet its waste are also of excellent quality). No more talk and the last crumb of cake, go down the street and my sister's bike, the saddle slipped right in place, we find this message written on a piece of kitchen paper.
The first reaction was: "Uh, that cute. Just a good person!" . The second: "if it's a trick to lure you to your house and groped something bad?" . Eventually, the man turned out to be a worthy person. She lives two floors below the FraStellino and, after seeing the thief at work from his balcony, dropped to reclaim the stolen goods. A knight of the past, a defender of unsuspecting maidens and property of others. So I wonder: bad it was us or the second option to consider is life in a city that forces you to relate to others wearing an armor of mistrust?
Distance: 21.317 km
Time: 1 36 '00''
Average Speed: 13.32 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1453.144
km course in the last 12 months: 3000.353


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