Thursday, October 28, 2010

Long Range Wifi Amplifier

Simple and direct The cockroach

In my day the military service was compulsory. If you thought the army green or navy blue not do for you, you had two options: either you know someone (a compliant doctor, a general uncle, a priest with good hooks in the Vatican), or click the civil service. I'm not bad at all in green, and we must say that I am not slamming the blue too. At that time, however, that the fear of being different in the middle of a platoon of straight backward and fascistelli (so stop believing altogether free from stereotypes and prejudices) took the better on the indiscreet charm of the currency (in hindsight, and especially with the very physical security and then, maybe today I would make a range of other well, but maybe not: I find myself back in that situation to be able to say with full knowledge of the case).

And so one morning in September I found myself at 'National Deaf body with a dozen boys at least straight, backward and fascistelli of those that I met in the barracks (as proof that idiocy is evenly distributed on the territory) but which-at least-I would not have had to share a shower. We are greeted by Monica, who plays LIS (Italian Sign Language: yeah, why not sign language is a kind of Esperanto for the deaf, but it changes from country to country) and our supervisor for the next twelve months. I remember before I assign the various tasks, trying to explain how our world of infinite shades of hearing was made (in the tone of voice, choice of words, in the way of building phrases) while the one in which we were entering was simple and because there is no direct way to make a sign more beautiful, soft, romantic and polite: a sign is a sign, at most you can change the color of nail varnish.

Simple and direct, like the boy's Silent Triangle, the gay group ENS, who one day said to my companion, virtually with the megaphone (news flash: just because they feel does not mean they are unable to speak), it would be very happy to fuck there on the spot. And to read an approach seems a bit 'rude, but I assure you that it seemed almost romantic feel. I was in that office for a year and have continued to haunt me for another three. Then the relationship is loose and there is no return. Mea culpa. Every time I happen to think that it would be nice to say things that one thinks with the same frankness, without too many filters and barriers. A little 'as beat him towards the end of the video message for her boyfriend.

Distance: 21.327 km
Time: 1 35 '00''
Average Speed: 13.47 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1487.568
km course in the last 12 months: 3051.645

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Is The Lupus Rash Dry?

He always said that if he would survive a nuclear explosion and I did not. With this unwavering confidence in themselves and in their own ability, he launched the conquest of a dune, Baygon, only to discover that some battles you can not win. I found this morning, with the legs upward and armor covered with white dust (and no, he had spent the night at the Hollywood with Belén). True to its name was still beautifully curled black antennae. Salvador is no longer with us. I'm sure his crib tac marks on tiles now sounds more polished than mine.
RUNNING DIARY reached thirteen thousand.

View Larger Map
Distance: 36.360 km
Time: 2 51 '00''
Average Speed: 12.76 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1463.858
km course in the last 12 months: 3027.904

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Is Neutrogena A Good Thing To Wash My Face With

It inform the gentlemen that blocks the following day, our staff will carry out an intervention of deblattizzazione . This sign with all the relevant details appeared Monday morning. Tuesday night the men were traced to the insect on their pickup truck with air rather satisfied.

In truth, there has never seen a cockroach, and even ants. At most a few flies and a couple of mosquitoes. I suppose it's a bit 'as in mice: the cellar is full of traps, the ugly black plastic box with a skull printed on orange, but not even the shadow of rodents. We see that in both cases, the prevention work.

last night by the toilet, turn on the light and hear a slight rattle. Ticchi tac notches. I do what I have and then I start to brush my teeth. Ticchi notches tac again. This time I see it: a sweet little animal with a shiny anthracite. He (I decided to be a male) it stops, raises her head, seems to look for a moment and then sprints into a tiny gap between the cup and the floor.

Fortunately, unlike my sister, I feel a particular dislike for insects. I remember once, to drive the harmless ants, has obtained an aluminum barrel with a Quill. The tool works like a tear gas canister: the tab is removed, must be placed at the center of the room and move away before the gas pressure began to saturate the environment. Not having such weapons, flooding the slot Lysoform and I go to enjoy the sleep of the righteous.

This morning return to the bathroom and he is there. I step in his direction and he notches tac crib is holed up in his hole. I step back and he puts his head out. I decided to call Salvador, because of those who seem bent antennae of both Dalí mustache. Salvador cockroach is a territorial, not never goes more than six tiles from his lair. It is a dancer, not pulling straight but never draws with its elegant curves of the legs rather sinuous. It is resistant to two Lysoform caps have not even stunned. It is curious, pretty much just rolls his whip antennas as the discovery of his small kingdom. Salvador would be a perfect pet, and might even teach me a lot of things, but here there is no place for him. So, tomorrow or back where it came from (I assume that its neighborhoods are now free from the pest control gas), or I'll have to use the hard way. What do you think is better? The Baygon spray powder or what?
Distance: 21.245 km
Time: 1 35 '00''
Average Speed: 13.42 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1478.042
km course in the last 12 months: 3041.917

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Petechial Rash With Normal Platelets

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Are Simon And Ralph Gay For Eachother

The flat sea that suddenly ripples

with this breeze carrying the scent of rain.

The glow of flames behind the horizon with

wind gets up. Religious

not entice us

and political humiliation.


The middle class suffers, the University claiming

and the workforce that is angry.

As a room full of gasoline fumes

Just a spark

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Microwave In The 1920

RIP little goal 2 / seem normal

Next Sunday should be thirteen thousand. Thirteen thousand miles from where (the good old days!) I consumed the cartilage around London with Super . Thirteen thousand miles in eight years: more than I have made my mother's car in the same period. According to my friends I'm out like a balcony. But I have always said, then I should not worry. Continue to endure whatever I do, otherwise what would be friends? And anyway, you see they do not know the gentleman above.

56 years, French, a former financial adviser, the last year has been through-running-five European Union countries. Twenty-seven thousand miles in all. An average of seventy miles a day. The equivalent of six hundred and forty consecutive marathons, thirty pairs of Mizuno destroyed and the new world record. Serge Girard is one that makes me look normal.

a small goal
View Larger Map
Distance: 34.500 km
Time: 2 46 '00''
Average speed: 12.47 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1469.380
km course in the last 12 months: 3048.647

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Radiant Barrier Amateur Radio Antenna

Um great present this Recebo

Jxxxx xxxx wrote: As I am not good with writing looked a gift to yourself in the writings of Gandhi.

If I could leave a gift to you, let the feeling of burning love life of human beings. Awareness of learning everything that was taught by time off. Remember the mistakes that were made to no longer be repeated. The ability to choose new directions. Would leave you if I could, what respect is essential. Besides the bread and work. Besides work, action. And when all else failed, a secret: that of finding within himself the strength and response para encontrar a saida. Mahatma Gandhi

they Parabéns por dia especial, muito alegria, paz and harmonia.
Que todos os seus desejos if realizem. "

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Famosas Mexicanas Culiando

Stolen by: M

How many times listening to a song for no reason, just because it reminds us of something wonderfully beautiful, burst into tears.
A second ago we were so happy but then we hear or see something that stimulates our subconscious, which broke out in lasrime without a reason.
of words, phrases, photos can make you remember a lot of things like lost friends, ex-boyfriend, a loved one flew in the sky, anything good or bad!
So many times I lie down on the bed putting on my headphones, get song after song that track gave me a thousand emotions, one that reminds me of the past, my shit, friends lost and those wins, the ' ex fucking guy that made me sick, parents who break;
but despite the thousands of things that I can enter into head vivermi this without any fear.
That is the trace of my life!

How Much Does A Curly Weave Cost

There are a handful of hours my birthday, as usual, the expectation of making this special day starts to creep in but as always it will ultimately be a simple birthday as were all the others, but I do not know why and holidays do not get along. Perhaps the explanation is that I'm an incurable melancholy that always expects too much, then for the disappointment ....
to the list of gifts I got there:) The evening
del 16 me ne andro allo stadio vediamo la mia squadra if Almeno mi fa un bel regalo and vince.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Brest Size By Country

Moral suasion

- And if I'm not going to take the test?
- takes you there I kick your ass.

Sometimes I wonder dialectics of my ability.
Distance: 21.337 km
Time: 1 36 '00''
Average Speed: 13.34 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1440.895
km course in the last 12 months: 3028.317

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Fakku Server Isnt Found


Yesterday evening.

- Bibo, sorry: I have to finish a job in the office. Do you mind if I arrive in three quarters of an hour?
- Quiet, Lucifer. Finish whatever you need to do. I so much want to see that they are already in the street but it is not a problem. Maybe I pedal a little 'to warm up. And then I camped in front of your door until you arrive. But then came, right?

hour later.

- Hello, who is speaking? Hello, AmicaB, how nice to hear. I'm fine, thanks. And you? What am I doing? Well, in truth, Lucifer and I've just entered home. We pulled out of the freezer a mountain of frozen pizzas and prepare for an evening based on movies, junk food and cuddles under the covers. What are you doing? Oh, I see ... Are you alone ... Your husband is away ... Have you finished the milk for the baby ... I understand, imagine, of course ... Quiet: I have already put away pizzas. Do not worry. No matter if you live across town. I buy milk and I bring for you. But noooo, I figured if Lucifer gets mad. I'll be right.
- AmicaB?
- Already ...
- You have to go?
- Yes, but check back soon.
- I'll walk.
- You are great!

Several later

- Well? What do you think? I know: The evening did not come just as we wanted. When we returned, we were so hungry that we devoured the pizza without even godercele. But now we are here on the couch, tightly, and look ... Tell me if Peter Sellers is not a monster talent.
- zzzzz.
- Lucifer?
- Zzzzzzzzz ...
- What? Sleep? There's Dr. Strangelove, Stanley Kubrick's masterpiece of immortal and you sleep? Oh well. I understand: you're tired. Hold me tight. There we see him again. I almost close my eyes, me too.
- zzzzz.
- zzzzz.

this morning.

- Yawn, what time is it?
- Five.
- Go to run?
Yes - I get up. We have breakfast together.
- No. .. Please ... Continue to sleep. Already I feel pretty bad about last night. See you later. I do not want to lose sleep because of me ...
- Er, Lucifer?
- Yes, Bibolotti?
- Do not hate me. Sorry ... Not that you could lift only for a moment? Only to come to close the door? You're a treasure. Thanks. Back to sleep. You're right: it takes a lot of patience with me. Telephone when you come back, so I re-open. Smak.

few hours later.

- Ready, Super, how are you? Why am I looking for? The FraStellino told you he was going to take a bike ride but was vague and you thought he would do with me? Of course one can not keep a Cecil in his mouth. However, it is true we do a ride along the Canal Grande until Abbiategrasso. How? If you come too? Mah .. Well ... Really was something between males. And already then that gate at which he goes about it quite slow: only lacks that come along with that kind of seat to pedals. Then you'll definitely do the other. Are you sure? Alright then. Noooo ... that does not disturb Imagine: it is a pleasure. See you in ten minutes.

dusk, in the countryside of Lombardy.

- Wait, wait. Stop.
- What? You got stuck in the chain in the trench coat? But how you dressed? I did not realize we were going in the country?
- The FraStellino left behind.
- Ohibò, FraStellino that happen? How come you're not riding? Do you have pierced? Are you ill? What!? Do you see a sign selling fresh cheese and now you want to go into this farm forgotten by God and men? But we did not have to do some 'sport, a male thing, serious stuff? Your sister was not enough that slows us down as a black cat attacked the Maronites? Now you also have to do the humanitarian and rehabilitation of the GDP in rural areas? No, thanks, will definitely be very good but I do not want a piece of Taleggio cheese. And even the gorgonzola. Yes, I know that I love it, but do not want it. Can we go? The tomino? And a ton of sausage? And those there so what are they? But what do you have? You must fill in the pantry? Hands off the cookies, do not even think about it. What do you mean that you have to sit at a picnic with yogurt? Okay. It does not matter. The important thing is to spend some 'time together. While you're at, fatemene taste a spoon. But! Good ...

morale (if there be a need for power): to drive human relationships just a little 'patience (to friends, brothers, boyfriends, crazy people who run the State upset Giovi before sunrise).

View Larger Map
Distance: 33.070 km
Time: 2 45 '00''
Average Speed: 12.03 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1465.993
km course in the last 12 months: 3034.960

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Merry Christmas In Egyptian Arabic

A runner Cowboy Boots

Nike Air Pegasus +26 WR Trail. Intended for road, mud, rain and the next marathon. Strictly forbidden to use them on a treadmill. Two new pairs of shoes a week is too much.
Distance: 21.250 km
Time: 1 35 '00''
Average Speed: 13.42 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1445.683
km course in the last 12 months: 3019.327

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pilonidal Sinus Infection And Herpes

05 October 2010

The desecration of the banal

Deposited by

Paulo Brabo

Stocked in Society

Say me that what's bad in big social networks of the Internet is the emptying of privacy, the glorification of the snapshot, alienation from reality and the pulverization of the attention should be devoted to issues and people of flesh and bone. To these I often remember that none of these trends was generated by social networks, and none is in exclusive possession of them.

For my part, I have no illusions of privacy, should have no reckless colonizer of the Internet. Nor does it shock me to see publicly exposed what has been called "personal" - since all that is worthy of being appreciated, and any author in any medium, is invariably of confessional nature.

What bothers me about the abominations like twitter misfortunes and how orkut is not the glorification of the commonplace, but precisely the opposite: the desecration of the banal.

There is something sacred in the commonplace, when it was counted as a night's sleep and observe that something did not go down well at breakfast. I'm old fashioned enough to believe that this belongs to the ordinary sacred context and interdict, and share it with everyone (ie anyone) is equivalent to stripping him of his precarious beauty. It is right and good thing that the lecturer presenting the convictions of your heart, what it takes to be absolutely vital and true, before a crowd and changing anonymously: a little confession, the pain back, the price of medicine and discomfort with the shoes, precisely because of its sacred banality should remain reserved for some inner circle - a spouse, friend, children, the elevator. The statesman must reclaim their lives with the doorman and the butcher who never laughs should play with his son before the dung beetle turns, but these liturgies are to be performed in small, in one by one. This modesty is not intended, of course, to preserve some illusory image immaculate, but precisely the opposite: because only the mask of illusion escapes the public (and the Internet are all public figures), keeping sacred interdict and the tiny circle of control Real life, in which there are only ourselves, others and the little things.

Rereading this note and the inevitable occurs to me: it is so commonplace that reflection should have stayed to myself.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

?sony Network Camera Snc-p1″


Nike Air Pegasus +27 : 330 grams, the foam soles and heels in the air. They are my new companions indoor (with the blessing of Mr. Koala ).
Distance: 21.235 km
Time: 1 35 '00''
Average speed: 13.41 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1424.433
km course in the last 12 months:

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Wind Burn On Face Babies

friends of former friends and former

We are social animals. We like to live in a pack. We like to have next to people and build relationships. The clan, family, group of friends, fellow travelers, those with whom we say good morning and good evening, and only those with whom we go a little further ...

When my teacher wanted public explain something a little complex went to the blackboard and began to say: We are Tom, Dick and Harry.
Tom, Dick and Harry are great friends.
Mevio so and have been together for a lifetime. Caio and spin a few years. Harry and Calpurnius about ten months. All six are attending quite regularly.
One day (for some mysterious reason the professor did not provide examples of my bad days or several suckers ever) decides to leave They spin Caio (precisely: it seems to me one day anything but good). Why do so is not relevant. You did not want to know why they were together so do not even tell you why it's over (sometimes the confidentiality of this borders on the pathological old lawyer Genovese).
Tom, and Harry Mevio now run by Caio because that is how we behave on these occasions.

Calpurnius, however, prefers to remain aloof. A little 'because it feels too much, a little' because, at least until now, has never made any distinction between Tom, Dick, and Mevio spin. For him they are all friends of Harry, and do not see why they should consider them otherwise. What happened between Dick and spin, after all, involves only the two of them.
the evening comes and asks Harry Calpurnius news of Caius. After being briefed, question is how to spin. "They spin, and who knows? We are the friends of Gaius. He thought his friends."

We are social animals. We like to live in a pack. We like to have next to people and build relationships. Pleasure, my name Calpurnius. In the past I was spinning and tomorrow, but I hope not, I might even be Harry. I suppose each of us has his ideas on dealings with the former (mine are pretty clear: if you spend your entire life with someone and then life has played a bad shot does not mean that you have to pretend that the 'nothing has ever existed). And as for the friends of ex or former friends? Possible that there is a shared on etiquette? It must be its a jungle in which everyone does as he pleases? We could not put all finally agree? We could not decide that every time a couple breaks, the situation is complicated enough of his own, without all the other people involved begin to stand and take sides? Is there really something so wrong in wanting to continue to attend the friends of your ex or your friends' ex?
View Larger Map
Distance: 30.440 km
Time: 2 24 '00''
Average speed: 12.68 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1437.154
km course in the last 12 months: