Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dotted Control Line On Pregnancy Test

very lightly on KGS chatting with an old friend Humanist, Olivier Turquet, I complained of some super consumerist attitudes of one of my children when he making a parallel with Francis, who had experienced before converting fully secular life, he writes:

oliviert: nonsense is a great experience to understand the meaning starda

I really liked this sentence because it is open to many interpretations concise and optimistic.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Sparkling Silver Mini Cooper

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Average Pilot Salary In Canada

Two families today.

A Family: Dad
The trader, used Mother, two children go to school and go to church together every Sunday.
Grandfather widower living alone el 'takes care of a caregiver.
The Dream of the family and buy a house in the mountains.

Family B
He atheist doctor, the 'other He architect and non-practicing Catholic, Sunday go to the volunteer, the Father of the physician, a widower, lives with them.
Their dream is to build a hospital in Port au Prince to Haity to help the people and for this you devote much of their spare time to fund-raise and fellow adventurers.

I ask you, you have any doubt as to which family like most churches and evangelical Christian?

Have you answered?

And now, you have any doubt about which of these two families is more sympathetic in the eyes of Jesus? For

those who have doubts. Assuming that

The Levites were the members of Jewish tribe of Levi .

They were tasked with overseeing tabernacle and the Temple . The priestly line of Aaron (which was part of a group whose members were called Levites and Cohanim ) was the one who actually took care of ritual sacrifices, while the other Levites were tasked to sing, to play and watch. The Levites are described as the guardians of God , its army personnel carrying bare the ark of the covenant. We read in the Gospel of Luke: "

and that: The Samaritans in the words of the Bible (not historically proven) , were the only descendants of the heathen foreigners were deported to Israel in 721 BC to replace the total Jewish population deported, then regarded as "inferior "Jews of the time.

now read the parable of the Good Samaritan that we find in the Gospel of Luke:

25 a certain lawyer stood up to test him, "Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?". 26 Jesus said to him: "What is written in the law? How do you read?". 27 He replied: " You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and your neighbor as yourself . 28 And Jesus: "You have answered correctly , 'do this and you will live. "

29 But he, desiring to justify himself, said to Jesus:" Who is my neighbor? ". 30 Jesus replied

" A man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among robbers who stripped him, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. 31 by chance a priest was going down that road and when you saw him he passed by on the other part. 32 likewise a Levite, came to the place and saw him, passed on. 33 But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, passed by saw him and had compassion. 34 He went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring oil and wine, and then, on his own beast and brought him to an inn and took care of him. 35 The next day he took out two denarii and gave them, saying: Take care of him and what more you spend, I will repay you when I return. 36 of these three do you think was neighbor to him who fell among thieves? ". 37 he said," Who showed mercy him. "Jesus said to him: 'Go and do thou also likewise'.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Coach Outlet Round Rock Tx

Christmas shopping - Christmas shopping

Today I bought two presents for fraStellino . In the sense that he, instead of going around the shops, she found much more convenient, practical and easy to delegate to its committees me.

Then I made a model from Abercrombie & Fitch . In the sense that Monica wanted to give a shirt to his stepson. But first he had to see it to force someone to wear. The fact that he is a bit 'lower and about ten pounds lighter than the undersigned has not been a major obstacle: every time something made me look like a well-seasoned sausage was then the right size.

Finally, I have collected yet another great figure from Eataly . In the sense that this was done well above average with "Give me a kiss, today is my birthday" written on the shirt in the store. So I went over to congratulate him and he told me, horrified, that this was the slogan with which they had celebrated two years of opening.

short, it was not a very fruitful day in terms of purchases, but the Martian rally was a success based on final cake and mulled wine under the Tower of Filaret. A quick Photos Blog Antonio. If you see a sign with "Maligayang Pasko" c'est moi!

View Larger Map
Distance: 14.225 + 12.700 km
Time: 1 00 '00''+ 1 30' 00''
Average Speed: 14.23 + 8.47 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1538.137
km course in the last 12 months: 3062.283

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Party Cove 2010 Ozarks

Episode 2 - Episode 1

My friends are mostly heterosexual.
My friends are mostly heterosexual and married.
My friends are mostly heterosexual, married and with children.
My friends are mostly heterosexual, married, with children and likely to produce only daughters.
A lot of girls.
I love the daughters of my straight friends married with children but, after spending too many hours of dolls, teddy bears, cups, pots, Japanese cats, magic wands, wings and fairy princess every possible nuance rose between the fish and candy, I decided . Next year I buy an arsenal of swords, sabers and foils all become so small Lady Oscar. And the only male of the litter gift knitting magic of Barbie.
Distance: 15.383 km
Time: 1 05 '00''
Average Speed: 14.20 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1511.212
km course in the last 12 months: 3052.978

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Toes Are Red And Itchy Little Circulation


The problem is known: the rooms of a museum usually have four walls and two gates. If the ports are facing each other, at best, be able to create a path that makes the most of three walls only.
If the ports are located on adjacent walls, the path will take advantage of every inch available.
In the first case, you can line up all the rooms you want, almost indefinitely.
In the second case, the museum will not have more than four rooms (or five, or six, if you were the weird Disney idea of \u200b\u200bbuilding environments pentagonal or hexagonal, and so on).
few rooms very well exploited or a long series of space a little 'wasted? Sure, there would also have the option forcing-the-visitor-a-move-twice-before-the-fourth-wall but I prefer not to even consider. The solution, brilliant, bore her almost seventy years ago an American architect: an input, output, and a single, long wall that wraps around itself.
architect named Frank Lloyd Wright, the museum was the Guggenheim in New York.
last few days in Milan there is a new museum. They designed and Italo Rota Fabio Fornasari digging into the Arengario Portaluppi, Muzio, Magistretti and Griffin. At the entrance there is a long ramp that surrounds the elicodale Fourth of Pelizza Volpedo and quotes from Wright.
Unfortunately it is only a quote: The rest of the museum is not surprising, if not for the large space dedicated to Fontana and the link with the Royal Palace. The works in the collection Jucker, the Futurists and the various currents up to World War II worth the visit.
Unfortunately, the option I would have dismissed out of hand here has been embraced with enthusiasm. You will then be forced to shuttle across the infamous fourth wall.
From the '50s onwards is a matter of taste. In my humble opinion, you save very little for the poor any more. And anyway, is clear: next time you need to play with the bricks, even if only to rearrange the living room of the house Moratti, I would first be consulted.
View Larger Map
Distance: 27.120 km
Time: 2 06 '00''
Average Speed: 12.91 km / h

km course in the last 6 months: 1495.829
km course in the last 12 months: 3052.775

Friday, December 10, 2010

Sneezing And Blocked Nose In Morning

Elephant Man: a dramatic living

pessimistic forecast on the future of the giant African prisoner of reserves too tight for his vital needs

pessimistic forecast on the future of the giant African prisoner of reserves too tight for his vital needs and Elephant Man: There is a dramatic living 'a dark future for the African elephant. If I think of him with the mentality' of 'ecologist, I can not see how the difficulty' of living with our species descended from a certain similarity of the roles in the same ecosystem. Tendency to dominance, intelligence, requires 'a large amount of' resource, a propensity for the population explosion, these are the main similarities. And 'this reality': the elephant and man, in Africa, are ill-bear 'cause, in some respects, overlap. This' is tragically more and more 'obvious now that, at least in part, the problem of trafficking in ivory and' resolved. And I write some reference to international conventions, now that the elephant while remaining sufficiently protect the poaching and illegal trade. The fact is that the elephants were slaughtered for the ivory taken today are still 'cause overflow from protected areas. The barriers that tend to avoid that such areas under cultivation, interfere with their behavior, prevent migration, make it, in many cases, "problem animals" harmful and dangerous. On the other hand, protected areas reserved for them are quantitatively inadequate, and these animals are endangered, paradoxically, find themselves living in a state of overcrowding that depresses the same biodiversity 'of the protected area. Difficult to do something long-term program on the African continent, who lives in a state of instability 'political and guerrilla wars, the need' to find solutions to current human population in a dramatic increase in population, with the ruling classes often unprepared to decline an acceptable economic and ecology. This pessimism about the future of the African elephant, I suddenly (or at least I had confirmation) by Joyce Poole's essay "Back to Africa" \u200b\u200band that 'just been published by Mondadori. Joyce Poole and 'un'etologa who did field research on the behavior of the elephant for a couple of decades, and that for some time takes care in a practical way of preserving this species. Knowledge about the behavior are essential for groped, somehow, to manage this complex species. The socialist 'based on matriarchy leads to a peculiar spatial distribution of individuals who, because of the high sociality', and altruism, must always be considered as part of a complex group where all social classes have to find a representation. The hunt for ivory in the light, however, has not only dramatically to the disappearance of the old males, but also the great matriarchs, often resulting in unbalanced situations capable, in many cases, to cause even more suffering and dangerous behavioral disturbances. But there 'more'. The ethological research more 'advanced features in fact a portrait of the African elephant who can' put subtle ethical problems to anyone in need 'with plans to intervene drastically euphemistically called a marquee. In the essay above mentioned are some chapters that make the point on the structure of thought, the so-called elephant telepathy (communication with infrasound), the ability 'of awareness (the recognition by the thinking subject of its own acts or affections), empathy (the ability' of a conscious being with the imagination to project itself into the consciousness of another entity 'living ). And finally, impressively, the ability to 'recognize the death and put in place, against a dead conspecific, a ritual' that addresses a grave with branches. Well, not 'only a partially overlapping roles in the context of ecology to pose problems to our relationship with this extraordinary pachyderm, and' the recognition of higher-order ethological characteristics. And what 'and that' extraordinary 'that apparently even the elephant receives some kind of affinity 'intellectual, perhaps sympathetic, with our species. And this is especially noticeable when an elephant comes across a human corpse. 'Cause our species reappear only with the rituals dedicated to dead elephants. Ultimately there is 'a lot to think sull'etologia and ecology of the African elephant,' cause this species runs the risk that we alert you to those who run our own. Once there was talk of centrality 'meaning the man's dominance over nature. Now, I think, no more 'sense to think in these terms. The central 'man, if anything, can not today' that identify with other attributes such as responsibility ', and awareness. Those who struggle to save the elephant means do so to save ourselves .*

Danilo Mainardi

Page 22 (July 13, 1997) - Corriere della Sera

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Eating Disorder Slogans

Kevin Carter's Africa

eca950cfe123b63baf2f4059d9958376 LAfrica di Kevin Carter

picture, icon and symbol became the face of ' Africa devastated by war, famine, disease McCurry or Vietnamese girl Kim Phuc in fleeing from a napalm bombing of her village, photographed by Nick Ut Pulitzer Prize 1972. Also this

photos taken in March 1993 during the civil war in Sudan from the South African photojournalist Kevin Carter This little girl marked by hardship, helpless, curled up on itself the target of a vulture patient and relentless, has toured the world for its explosive force and the critical mosse al suo


, che è stato a lungo immobile a guardare la scena fotografia

Friday, December 3, 2010

Vintage Longdongsilver

The dressing of the architectural delirium Lidl

Hey you. you who can not understand that if a word is not banned you can use it whenever we meet. You who have a short memory and amnesia easy. You're not authorized to offer me dinner, or movies, or anything else. You can not always respect the rule number one. You who at five on Saturday morning you drag yourself out of bed to see me go away and wait for me at eight with the heater on and the hot towel. You who have a cream for all: eyes, face, body, belly. You that shopping is sacred and therapeutic. You're wearing jeans so tight that I can not even try. You eat every day with kisses me when we get to San Babila. You who, with rare exceptions, do not eat bread, pasta, sweets, potatoes and cheese. That the boxes of tarts you do not even know how they are made. You who are born in the mountains but you'd be happy to live by the sea. You go to Bali as the Germans in Riccione. You who keep the house as a mirror and put back in place before the cleaning lady arrives. You tell me stories of your ex. You who at the wheel of bolidino becomes worse than the ogre of fairy tales. You know that does not scare me hold your anger ogre. You should you decide to tackle the backlog of Brothers & Sisters so we can finally see all the new season. You who attract swarms of men in the disco and dance for hours without ever stopping. You who occasionally ask me to go for a coffee in the office knowing that I will still not. You do not ever leave me in peace while I shower at the gym. You want to monopolize my attention and plunder every minute of my free time. You who have learned to sleep on the marble. You who hold me tight at night before and then I get to hug you in a continuous mixing spoons. You that when I hold strong you make me feel secure. You who with a pair of heels and a wig pull out women from crossroad in you. You make me run a slide high. That if you do not pay attention when parking in me then I can not sit for two weeks. You're not grown up among wolves, but do you still talk with the dogs and caress the pythons. You speak of deals, revenues and billions . You awake to make big dreams but can not remember what you dream with your eyes closed. You who moved by the songs. You who after having forced the vision of GI-Joe and Clash of the Titans in 3D you had the nerve to sleep the only time that the film I chose it myself. You who are jealous of anyone looking at me. You who resigned smile when I get a little heart eyes talking with my best friend. You say things that sometimes do not understand, but just because you have an accent is a bit 'strange and I'm half deaf. You obviously have not understood why I just got the dressing of Lidl. You know that today is a year since our first pizza? I
