Sunday, January 31, 2010

That If We Do Not Anything

data communication VAT, as the provisions contained in ' art. 8/bis Presidential Decree 322 of July 22, 1998 shall be submitted exclusively by electronic , by the taxpayer directly or through intermediaries, by the end of February of each year (for 2010, the date of deadline is March 1 for the day, as the deadline expires on a Sunday).

In the said notice the taxpayer must include an indication of the overall findings of the periodic payments, regardless of the payments made, credit previous annual, interim repayments required and the compensation paid.

The main change, besides the relief provided to taxpayers who submit the VAT in the month of February is the introduction of a new field (5), in the line of active operations CD1 and CD2 in the line of operations passive. In this new field must be specified:
  • The amount of depreciable assets, tangible and intangible, including those costing less than € 516.00;
  • The redemption price of capital goods acquired on lease;
  • The amount of capital goods non-depreciable assets (eg land), including lease, usufruct, lease or other valuable consideration.

is not a fulfillment of the declaration but a " news and data communication," therefore, in case of failure or false statement, not subject to the penalties, but an administrative fine of 258 to € 2,065, provided from ' art. 11 of D. Legislative Decree No. 471 del18/12/1997 . Moreover, no provision is made to amend or supplement the information that will be properly exposed in the annual VAT return.

In general, they are obliged to submit annual data of all VAT registered for VAT, although in the previous year did not carry out taxable transactions.

not obliged to provide notice are:
  • Taxpayers in the previous year showed only exempt transactions provided by ' art. 10 of DPR 633/72 . This exemption does not apply if the taxpayer has engaged in intra-or has made purchases for which you apply the reverse charge (purchase of pure gold or silver, scrap, etc.).
  • Farmers have realized that in the previous year a turnover of less than € 7,000;
  • non-profit associations, amateur sports and pro-loco;
  • Taxpayers who availed themselves of the "system of minimum "
  • The parties referred to ' art. 74 of DPR 917/86 (organs and government departments, municipalities, associations of local authorities, mountain communities, provinces and regions);
  • Persons subject to bankruptcy proceedings;
  • Individual companies that have rented the only company;
  • Taxpayers making the annual declaration of VAT by the end of February, to use the Tax Credit to offset more than € 10,000.

are, however, exempted individuals who have achieved a turnover of less than € 25,000.

To determine the turnover of the taxpayer should refer in all activities, if managed with reeds separate accounts, I understand the calculation, the activities for which there is exemption from VAT.

Taxpayers who have been more activities for which they have kept separate accounts (including options) should provide a single summary statement of all assets managed in separate accounts. Data should not be declared for operations (separate) for which the exemption is provided.

If the declaration is submitted by a qualified intermediary, they must meet the following requirements:
  • Release contextually receipt of the notice or the taking of office, the commitment to present the model and whether the communication was prepared by the taxpayer or by the intermediary itself;
  • Release, within 30 days after the deadline for the presentation, the original statement, signed by the taxpayer, together with a copy of the notice of the Revenue, who shall certify the receipt;
  • Keep copies of submissions, including on computer media.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Shaved And Bottomless

Bag Felt - Part Five - the grand finale ....

With the stitch ..
the four seams that we are changing our cross (see tutorial part one) in a purse or bag to join the front side ..
then position the hinge and also the attack ...
what's missing now??
mah ... ah yes! some pictures of the bag over! but for those who want to look here
PS: I apologize for any anguish of Italian .. but ... today ... I have a bit of a headache!!

Can People With Hip Replacements Go Snowboarding?

Bag Felt - Part Four - attach handles

not remember if I talk in third person or not ... This tutorial is becoming very long!
With sewing needle and thread, I set about the cord to the bag according to the following measures:
(hand bag) 10 cm - Cordless 1 / 2 cm - 8 cm (center grant) - Cordless 1 / 2 cm - 10 cm (hand bag).

To secure the handle to the bag itself have "extended" embroidery on the front already present in prior bag so they pass through the handles themselves ..
front ...
ugly inside ...
and two pieces of CaƱete and cut to size and pinned piece sewn on the neck ..
the ugly in there anymore!

Electronic Signature On Cover Letter

felt bag - part three - the handles

For each: three-ply cord (is readily available on the haberdashery) and thickness of about 1 / 2 cm and 42 cm long; canete gray tint about 3 cm high and 43 cm long wrap canete around the cord and secure it temporarily with a pin

with no gray cotton yarn. 8 with a stitch to stop taking the canete while the needle is below the canete is the cord, so as to make it all one thing.

work is finished, the result should be this
the tutorial continues ....

What Does A Chip Do For A Truck

Felt Bag - Part Two of a - we finish the zipper ...

I miss so much (you do not see the gesture, but I'm just stating a cicin ...) to finish this bag.
Today I attached the hinge and has highlighted an aspect which I doubt, or try to think the gesture is performed to open a zip .. with the left hand grasps the flap hinge and the head with his right hand to operate the cursor.
But here ... what I could attack??
Then I cut three pieces as in the picture: a gray (top side) and a dark gray of equal size (which should be in the side below) and a green piece slightly smaller.
I assembled everything with cotton yarn no. 8 (color you like)
and I placed as shown below always attack with a cotton thread nr. 8 consists of gray to the hinge in the previous post ..
now to open the zipper to attach to something .. particolarini who jump out as they are working ...

handles the next episode and then ... the grand finale ..

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Vacation Rentals Senior Week Ocean City Maryland


With the circular No 1 / E of 15/01/2010 , the Inland Revenue has clarified some issues regarding use compensation claims Iva .

The ceiling of € 10,000 is the year of vesting credit and do not use the calendar year in compensation, and is calculated separately for each type Tax Credit (annual or interim).

The taxpayer in 2010 has:
  • the VAT return for the year 2009 which shows a VAT credit to be used in compensation of € 80,000;
  • Two models
  • VAT TR (second and third quarter) with a request for compensation of € 20,000 and 30,000,
have a ceiling refers to the credit of € 80,000 to be used in F24 with tax code and 6099/2009 an upper limit to the amount of claims reported quarterly equal to 50,000 €, to be used with the tax codes 6037 and 6038 (reference year 2010).

The circular clarified that the new provisions apply to credit Tax credits for the year 2009 and quarterly for the year 2010. Therefore, the annual Tax Credit of 2008 and the quarterly claims for the year 2009, may be used without the constraints of the new provisions (for the use of credits exceeding EUR 10,000 must submit a prior declaration or model Iva Iva TR).

The new provision for the settlement of VAT on compensation applies only "horizontal" (with other charges) and no compensation "vertical" (Iva by Iva).

The credit of up to € 10,000 in compensation can be used from 1 January 2010, without waiting for the submission of the declaration. This limit is reached any further compensation may be from the sixteenth day following the submission of the declaration.

if loans Quarterly, the limit of € 10,000, to be verified with reference to the sum of the amounts accrued in the three quarters.

example proposed by circular
Tax Credit € interim first quarter 5000, the taxpayer can use that amount without waiting for the sixteenth day of the month following the month of filing the application.
Tax Credit € interim second quarter 8000, the taxpayer can immediately be used € 5000, € 3000 while the surplus will have to wait on the sixteenth day of the month following the submission of the application.

The taxpayer making the declaration of conformity without a visa (being able to use the credit up to 15,000 €), may alter its choice by sending the next declaration of VAT (corrective / notes), complete the visa within 90 days of the expiry of the deadline. If filed within the deadline, will not apply sanctions.

The electronic transmission of proxy bearing compensation payment of VAT credits that exceed the annual amount of € 10,000 may be made no earlier than 10 days after submission of the statement which shows the claim.

addition, as required by decision Director of the Revenue of 21/12/2009, containing proxies VAT compensation may also be rejected for the following reasons:
  1. offset amount exceeding € 10,000 per year without prior submission of the application or from which it emerges credit;
  2. offset amount exceeding € 15,000 per year not accompanied by a declaration of compliance by the visa;
  3. offset amount exceeds the amount of the credit arising from the declaration or request made.
For these reasons it is desirable that the transmission of proxies containing compensation Iva a few days in advance in order to be able to relay to eliminate errors and avoid incurring penalties.

Leaked Kate's Playground

Bag Felt - tutorial part two - the hinge felt bag

In my opinion, another essential element of the awards, in addition to the liner, are the hinges.

are generally unpleasant to be attacked, but have the quality to ensure that the things contained in a bag .. remain in that ... and not cheap.

Prepare for the zipper in this bag felt also presented very few problems (I even wondered if he should or not do us a tutorial above).

I cut two rectangles with gray felt by the following measures: 26.5 cm x 6 cm, and placed them as Photos from the hinge 30 cm long.
This has been attacked by hand with a gray cotton yarn (crocheted by 8 or wanting an embroidery thread) with a deliberately visible on the top strand (with a minimum decorative effect)

while in with lower than normal sewing thread I added a further another small strand along the edge of the hinge to secure the felt better, so they do not overblown, and I also set the same dot is almost invisible zipper start of the two wings .

Having lined this part you could want to hide the "ugly" of the hinge .. but since everything is upside down I decided to do not.
always felt I cut a rectangle of gray felt and I placed at the end of the hinge
then close the sides all around while attaching the hinge itself.
already finished ...
next time (for those who had not yet tired ...)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Face Feels Hot After Eating

- tutorial Part

I came across a bag of cardboard with measures very interesting, and from there to decide to use it as a model for a bag of felt the step was short.

I opened the bag with scissors, making it a cross, and I supported the model obtained on a piece of felt 4-mm thick.

And here things get complicated .... how do I give you the measurements?
It obtained the cross is actually composed of 3 rectangles made an attack to another:
1) the rectangle with the front-side bag
2) the long rectangle consisting of the base of the bag and side
3) a rectangle with opposite side of the bag B

rectangles facing each bag measuring 29 cm wide x 19 cm high
the bottom of the bag with the sides attached measuring 68cm (19.5 + 19.5 + 29) and is 12 cm high .... I decorated at will the two sides held face A and B. .. so I am dedicated to the liner .. asolutamente necessary to hide and Filini nodes that are created on the back of felt after the decorations.

The only piece of cloth suitable I had at home was very small, a real crop, and then failing to scialare I pinned on the model of felt and cut out with the same measures (I had a bit of cloth I would be able to make us more un'orlino, but here it was just impossible). There are many commercial adhesives, stabilizers ... and who on and so forth .. but I ... are tirchissima! ... With needle and thread I made a dot for joining the cover to insert the needle felt about half the thickness of the felt, and all for almost the entire perimeter of the cross, or leaving one side open. side was left opened to insert between liner and felt reinforcement of rigid plastic that I use regularly now for the bottom of the bag. Had I now offer my sewing machine, which currently is cleaning / repair - I just put the reinforcement where necessary and we would have toured all around the car ..

but all you can do the same with a hand stitched ... you know ... a virtue of necessity ..
the rest to the next episode ...