Sunday, February 27, 2011

Global Infrastructure Funds

stealing from the web ... QT

November 1980, after Cannibal and Evil, comes on newsstands the first issue of Frigidaire. Editorial by Vincent Sparagna, accompanied by drawings and photographs by Andrea Pazienza Mario Schifano, is the title - and a program - "Traveling between the goods" .

Frigidaire : a look across the best and worst of the '80s and '90s, including avant-garde and South America, new technology and imagination, myth-making and perversity, art and poetry, cinema and literature, science and comics experimental artists such as Patience, Liberatore, Mattioli, Scozzari, Tamburini, and Echaurren Giacon. It is therefore no coincidence that this glorious magazine, occasionally even on sale, create discussion in the world of culture, it is true that the Mart in Rovereto, in the NSA (Archive New Writing), owns a whole collection .

Sparagna Vincenzo, Naples, revolutionary the world, spent a politician who goes by the Workers Vanguard radical movements for civil rights was, in 1978, one of the lead in the de Evil, while in 1980 he founded Frigidaire. Collector of complaints (that was not satire Drive In), in the past has dabbled in collecting identity by Craxi Scalfari by Berlinguer in Montanelli, many other names, real, implied or non-existent. His publishing false, false headlines appeared in newspapers, have created confusion and embarrassment in the media, demonstrating that the false, sometimes, is very similar to the truth.

How did the idea of \u200b\u200b Frigidaire and continuity with which the experience of Evil?

Vincenzo Sparagna.

"The project Frigidaire was born in '79, after the last issue of Cannibal , the one with the red cover and the American underground comics. Series at a newsstand of Cannibal was financed by Evil, but the administration had vetoed its continuation, since, unlike the Evil , had lost tens of millions in a few months, for the poor sales. Besides the energy contained in the comics cannibalistic were narrow in the cage of 'genre'. While Evil , always from my point of view, it was becoming too satirical, too specialized, even in its great freedom of enterprise and invention. It seemed to me as the only comic books, as revolutionaries, even the mere satire, as sensational and provocative, they were languages that were compared, merged with a larger community and ambitious, which is not self-limiting our right, our legitimacy, our 'duty' to do analysis and opinions, explain. It was this research converges, a journal of my most complete, and Tamburini comics and graphic space of a more stable and mature, which led us to design a new magazine, which were immediately made partakers Scozzari and others Cannibal ( Patience, Mattioli and Liberator). Tamburini had in mind the name: Frigidaire and we were all excited.

True is false, the false is true. A technique of cultural guerrilla warfare that has created false Italian newspapers, as well as foreigners, against the Eastern regimes. What idea behind these media plagiarism?

"Newspapers false false gods were born as the first major Italian newspapers, la Repubblica, Il Corriere dello Sport, L'Unità, Il Corriere della Sera and gradually the others. Parody and inversion, irony and truth , prophecies fired as news (without check-test), wishes on the move: these are the characteristics of our first fake '78 and '79. But the idea seemed so revolutionary that it can be extended and used almost to change the reality by changing its representation. For this reason, during the Pope's visit to Poland in June '79, I thought to make a false Trybuna Ludu, the organ of the Communist Party to power in Poland. I worked practically alone, with the help of a young Pole who lived in Florence (Wlodek Goldkorn, who later became a journalist de l'Espresso). I thought, of course, brought down the Polish regime, with the news of the dissolution of POUP (the ruling party) and the election of Wojtyla as King of Poland. Everything was seasoned in a sauce-surreal satirical: the POUP was melting on a mysterious cold that had upset the lives of all its members, the leaders wrote autodenunciare ferocious self-criticism for the barbarity of the regime, et cetera. By spreading the false illegally in Poland (me and the photographer Sandro Giustibelli) and managed to escape before the Polish police stops us. This was the start. The following year he picked up in a unique international editorial a large part of Soviet dissidents and prepared a fake Pravda, with the announcement of the end of the USSR. "Neither union nor socialist, nor Soviet republics only. Russia has defeated the demons " this title. In the first page is the ideologue Suslov autodenunciava hideous dictatorship regime and denounced the USSR. In this false worked a young Lithuanian exile, Savik Shuster. '83 with Savik, in Meanwhile now (with Frigidaire ) more and more mature as a journalist and writer (now runs Radio Free Europe in Monaco), we prepared the false Red Star, the newspaper of the Red Army, with the news of the end of war and (again) the dissolution of the USSR, and we went to distribute it to Soviet soldiers involved in Afghanistan, and Eastern Europe and in many Western countries, in millions of copies. Collaborated once again nearly all the dissidents in exile, particularly the militant Bukovski Vladimir, Natalia Gorbanievskaia the writer and the great writer Vladimir Maximov.

False copyright and multiple identity, like Luther Blissett : where the differences in these two challenges to the status quo media?

"This technique of guerrilla communication, by its very nature an instrument offered to the small against the great and powerful, is an important and permanent Autonomous Community. In this sense, the multiple names can be an interesting variation of the 'false name' taken from me, styles that were also false, false confessions, false revelations ... However, false names and multiple names are different forms. In the first I see a light-hearted handling, light and ironic, playful guerrilla identity. Instead, the multiple names, sometimes it can slip into the partnership, or joint signature, which is something much more serious, more 'party' and rather less guerrilla. The problem is not hide our identity, but compared to revalue the total systems that we divest the word ".


beyond the myth, what was your relationship with human and editorial Andrea Pazienza?

" Andrew was a great artist (always positively and humbly doubt on their inventions, but also sure of his vocation or, if you will, obsession), but more importantly he was very affectionate friend, I tied common or similar sensitivity. Andrea fact (only one of the frigideriani) sincerely admired my drawings fantasy / monster no less than I was enchanted by Leonardo of his dall'inarrivabile harmony. He admired my decisions and my ironic seriousness of director / writer / actor, as much as I bow and I enjoyed his priceless ability to discover languages, histories and perspectives. It was also the invention of the policy (in 1985) 's maivista art, which has since remained the only valid definition of all our businesses artistic / political / editorial. What else to say without writing a book? We loved both of Toto, we were Southerners, there enchanted the great illustrators of the Golden Staircase, the adventure books, women (who were in love with both despair and a painful passion). Well Andrea was a confidant and friend, my darling I would say, given the age difference (he was ten years younger), even compared to esteemed and beloved Tamburini and Scozzari. In him rediscover that mystery of poetry and art that I had known my father, a kind of other dimension of sensitivity, humility, a love of beauty in itself and the poem itself ... But I should say many other things ... ".

What is the relationship between art Frigidaire?

"As I said, art has always been for us maivista art, namely a cross unpredictable, but illuminating, styles and images with no godfathers and no respect for fashion, critics, galleries, vanguard, rearguard , high art, low art, comics, illustration, paintings, photography ... This also explains the autonomy of our proximity to a nomad's critics as Achille Bonito Oliva (my friend from the days when I was a teenager committed library in Naples) in turn exceeded the theoretician of the avant-garde history, the parallel arrangement of images and aesthetic inventions. Moreover, the image Achilles naked in Issue 6 of Frigidaire , was the common manifesto of an ironic criticism antiartistica any seriousness, for each commercialization stupid image. We traveled clearly between the goods, even among the art market, ABO, while retaining differentissimo from us, he understood the novelty of this creative cross-fertilization ".

Satire and Berlusconi?

" On Berlusconi is still the logos of a pig with a dollar sign, designed by Scozzari Frigidaire and published in 1985, with my writing: "Berlusconi?" No, thank you. " were missing nine years to the famous' drop-down field'..."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Vsepr Theory What Is The Shape Of Cs2

My banal conception of friendship

People analysis should always be located at the friendship of others.

Have you ever noticed that the world is full of friends who have been betrayed, but it is hard to find friends traitors.

It 'clear that the point of view is crucial in the trial that he and the other by themselves.

One of the most critical moments of friendship is when you fall in love.

So often in the most beautiful moment for a teenager, that of 'falling in love, after the initial joy we find ourselves surrounded by friends or relatives who feel betrayed and that would impose mandatory choices, or she / him or us!. Yet

friendship should be love, altruism, true friends should cheer for the happiness of others and instead focus on what forgiveness forgetting the happiness of others.

Maybe that's why they say that anyone who finds a friend finds a treasure, because true friends are very rare and precious, true friendship has little to do with fun and sharing hobbies, tastes and / or how to spend leisure. True friendship is warmth, and security and give the feeling to receive and receive with the desire to give.

that in life I found myself in complicated situations and I found happiness and appreciated the importance of having good friends, people who have not made a judge and find faults but I have reached out and offered help, solutions, and love. I was expecting from some other I do not imagine and a few that I have disappointed and I always offer it offered the opportunity to remedy, the world no one is perfect, all wrong, and sometimes without even realizing it, if every error we removed a affection would be left alone in the world quickly and that we must not ever forget.

Friday, February 18, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Vinyl Smell

Poetry seven faces

When I was born, an angel
wrong than those who live in the shadows,
Vai, Carlos! to be gauche in life.

houses spy
men who run after women.
The afternoon would be blue, maybe
if there were a lot of cravings. The tram runs

full of legs
white black yellow legs.
Why would so many legs, my God, my heart calls.

But my eyes do not ask for anything.

The man behind the mustache is serious, simple and strong.
hardly even speaks.
has few, rare friends
the man behind the glasses and mustache.

My God, why hast thou forsaken me
if you knew that I was not
if God knew that I was so weak. World

world wide world, if you call me
would be a rhyme, not a solution.
largest world wide world is my heart.

you I should not admit this but

moon but this cognac
give a damn emotion.

Carlos Drummond de Andreade, from "Some poetry"

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Poema de thirsty faces

When you are born, um anjo wrong
we live on this desses na sombra
said: Go, Carlos! ser gauche in life.
spy on men who run after women.
The evening might have been blue,
there were so many desires. The tram passes

full of legs: white, black, yellow legs
so many legs, my God, my heart asks. But my eyes

question nothing.

The man behind the mustache
is serious, simple and strong.
hardly talk.
has a few, friends
the man behind the glasses and mustache.

My God, why hast thou forsaken me
you knew that I was not God,
you knew that I was weak.

vast universe, if my name was Raymond
a rhyme, not a solution.
Universe, vast universe, is
wider my heart.

I should not tell you but this moon

but this brandy
lay people moved like the devil.

Carlos Drummond de Andrade

What Is Synester Gates Haircut

I do not plan to live long

deacon alcuni che è un po come Partiro Morire altri che dormire è quasi sostengono Morire, both to me piace che sia viaggiare riposare quindi anche che vivere è meraviglioso ammettendo concludo che anche fin dei conti Morire in non essere cosi should malvagio, soprattutto per un curiosaccio eats me:)