Sunday, August 29, 2010

Vintage Krementz Jewelry

Reflections on linings for bags crocheted or knitt - Part

few days ago I spoke with a very good bloggher linings which mostly crochet, and I realized that as I challenged mom made aware of the conversation involving me as I'm often accused her (mother ) to do (when I explain things), or give some things for granted.
Morale, I'll post some, I hope not too pedantic, on the linings of the bags or crocheted knitt, and with the caveat that I do so, but not necessarily the best method ..

first point I
sheath any stock .. except that this sub is was the first purse I made all by myself (but I was in the mountains and therefore unable to do so) ..
this, which is the second, already has lined (and poor do not look too closely, which would require careful maintenance in the beads)
Second: which cover use?
As far as I'm concerned never go into a shop and say you want to buy liner with the seller (as I did just yesterday) .. because what we will be shown belong to the category of synthetic fabrics, slippery, thin and incucibili hand.
In fact I find that cotton, plain or patterned according to taste, and more than suitable. This
  1. flourished because it avoids a number of swear words, of course, are not called during the process where the piece seems to want to be everywhere except in his hand ....
  2. because so many things still come in a bag for the force of gravity, the cotton is already in itself easy, and you do not need to "slip" inside .. and then I fear that rather than inside, some synthetic help things a. .. slip out (!)
  3. because the cotton still has a quite large and is not likely that a sharp object - like a key or a paper clip - can ruin it or tear it
  4. its thickness because this helps to support the stock market.
As regards the latter aspect - the thickness - you may need a cotton more or less often, depending on the outside working more or less sustained .. Ultimately, it may choose to purchase the fabric, usually beige, which is used to upholster the interior of the sofas, or alternatively you can make a room without having to resort to lining reinforcement details (which are used for embroidery and hand patchwork).
This worked as long as the cotton or wool is not traforatissimo and virtually untouchable ... that if this were the case I would rather have some reservations about whether it is suitable for "pickpocket" ..

Point three:
the fabric cloth before use must be soaked in hot water .. when it gets cold put out to dry, and then put (who wants to be or if it stretches after .. I do it after but you should do before).
definitely just bought the fabric is more beautiful, but there will be a time, sooner or later, which will need to wash our poor exchange (by hand with mild detergent, and drying without rubbing tropppo in shape and shade ), now maybe a bit stained or darkened edges from the dust ... and it would be a shame that at that disasters can happen such as discoloration of the lining and / or narrowing thereof beyond the limits ...


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