Friday, October 30, 2009

Ikea Saucepan Lid Rack


Article. 5 of Decree 78/2009 provides for taxation of investment in machinery and equipment new , made from 1 July 2009 to June 30, 2010.

The facility consists of a reduction of the base 50% of the cost incurred for the purchase of machinery and equipment. The tax relief and sull'Ires sull'Irpef effect, but not IRAP, and will apply through a decrease in tax return.

Beneficiaries of the so-called Tremonti-Ter are the owners of the business income, regardless of accounting regime adopted, including public and private entities relating to the exercise of sole or principal business or, for institutions that do not have the sole or main object the exercise of a commercial activity, the benefit it is limited to income from commercial activity.

the owners of industrial activities, at the risk of accidents at work, can avail of subsidy only if it is documented compliance with the requirements for safety.

are excluded from benefit natural persons carrying on farming, within the limits laid down by ' art. 32 of the Income Tax Code and the trades and professions.

may also benefit from the taxation of investment companies at a loss, following the normal rules for carrying forward the same:
  • newly formed companies can bring them indefinitely if used within the first three years;
  • in ordinary accounting firms can use to offset the loss with the income of the same nature carried out in the next five fiscal years;
  • other companies will be able to be deducted from the loss of any income other than nature, made exclusively the same period in which the loss was determined.

Goods facilities shall be those included in Division 28 of the table Ateco 2007. Some of these products are: air compressors and other gas pumps for internal combustion engines, pumps for the circulation of oil, water and fuel pumps, hand pumps for motor vehicles, pumps, furnaces and electric furnaces, industrial and laboratory burners, heating boilers, elevators, escalators and elevators, cranes, hoists, wheel barrows, lifting machines, cash registers, typewriters; office binders, copiers, jigsaws, drills and jackhammers, cleansers, milling machines, grinding machines, air conditioners, fans, scales (not including precision laboratory), dishwasher (non-domestic), farm tractors, machinery tools for working metals and other materials (wood, glass, etc..) textile machinery, sewing and knitting machines, machines for preparing, tanning and leather and leather; roundabouts, swings and other equipment amusement parks; equipment alignment and balancing of wheels. Full list .

The novelty requirement exists even if the property has not been purchased from the manufacturer / dealer, provided that it has never been used. In this case the seller must issue a certificate stating that the property has never been used. In the case of equipment manufactured in the economy, the requirement of novelty, even if there are components within the machinery we used, provided that the value of such components is of significant magnitude compared to the overall cost.

An investment in a new complex is not well understood in the division 28, also consist of new goods falling within division 28, is to facilitate as far as cost incurred for the purchase of these assets is objectively determinable ( Circular 44 of 27/10/2009 ).

The subsidized cost is actually borne by the company to acquire or construct the asset to the investment and includes any directly attributable transaction costs, including VAT if is non-deductible under the dictates of the DPR 633/72 . The cost should be reduced by any grants given to the company facilities.

For assets acquired in leasing costs as incurred by the company Volkswagen (inclusive of VAT non-deductible).

For goods manufactured in the economy is in the cost include the direct labor, costs for external processing, the costs directly attributable to industrial, depreciation of assets used.

The moment it detects that the benefit is the delivery or shipment of the goods (even for taxpayers in the system of requirements - which apply on a cash basis) or, if later, the date of occurrence of the translational effect of the property. For the contract to the facility occurs during dimposta in which the work is completed, regardless of start-up.

Assets acquired through facility will not be given before the second year following the acquisition, in practice the investment made in 2009 may not be transferred and those made before 31/12/2010 in 2010 will not be given prior to 12/31/2011).

In case of assignment of future data must be an increase in the model for an amount equal to half the original cost of the asset.

The withdrawal does not fire if the property is sold at extraordinary operations in the event of theft. In the case of sale of the company to withdraw it locks if the acquirer undertakes to maintain the property until the expiry of the period of surveillance (the second period following the purchase of the property).

the facilitation provided by the Ter-Tremonti be combined with other discounts, as does not qualify as "state aid .

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Please Insert Cs3 Collection Disc

between the felted!!

Once assembled the two squares were made two rounds of low point on the four sides to give some uniformity to the whole.
In bags had earlier attacked the two squares together, but I noticed that the bag when filled, transforms it too.
One of the things that worries me more when I make bags, is to be made is just beautiful - and empty - and after use, when we fill all of our items and trinkets and keys, and wallet in short, when you put the weight ...
The felted bag holds quite generally, because the "fabric" that is created is robust, and it is almost, I say almost non-deformable ...
In this case, however, I added a strip of 6 points lower on the three sides of the bag to be more secure.
About ... the strip was attacked but not with the needle with the hook ... After hanging
I did two more rounds of low point on the top open.
And then ..... voila! ... I am dedicated to infeltritura.
In that case the network is described in more details should wash everything with jeans or even tennis shoes (to help the rubbing of wool) using dishwashing detergent and everything in hot water.
My process is simple.
First I put my head to soak in a basin of hot water and some laundry soap and let it rest for about half an hour.
After that I put the piece in the washing machine with normal soap to wash clothes, using a program for those (and of medium duration) and the temperature at 60 degrees.
At the end of the program do I make the car a further centrifuge and then, once extracted the piece I pull a little here and a little there, to let him take the square and hang them, making sure that the clips not sformino.
little note on size reduction: in this case the square has gone from a 40 cm x 40 cm to 35 x 35 ... no mess!!
Now you just have to wait until the bag is almost dry ... we put it in the summer well under the sun ... I did not understand why it is not recommended ... so nice that the boss is already cooked!!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How To Put A Cruise On Layaway

The other side of ..

And so to the second part of the tutorial .. but then call it tutorial I do not know if mica is so correct .. in my mind a tutorial is a step by step, we do not know ..
anyway .. here we are ... after some thought I decided to place the composition in this way, while at first I thought under the green / beige and on the mustard / burgundy .. if you want to know whether it was better this or that line ... suggest oblique head !!!!!... and maybe in your comments tell me .. although now I attached to the piece later and later for change!
to design it in the squared positions are the original ones, but they are so granny and posono turn!
Ahhhh .. let's not get confused .. One thing is for the squares of the paper, one thing is for the squares crochet ...
Then, in each square of this paper is to design two low points to the direction of work for two laps and the height (one square = one if I did a lap and I had to use a sheet A3 I do not lay in the scanner) ..
Note the arrows indicating the "direction" of the square crochet, or where it went around the beginning ... mmmm how can I say better, in short, we start with the 28 chains ...
As my habit, however, the two sides have held several of the future ..
example I used fewer colors to get a more simple composition, but the design took me more time ..
in this case, I spent only 2 laps to colored yarn that has been placed single unpaired: black - color - black and so on.
As an example of reading the key here is two pictures that are in the front row at the top

the first picture in throughout the left is as follows:
1) + 4 laps chains of low point with black
b) 2 laps low point with the color green
c) 8 laps low point with black

the fourth right to the whole picture is as follows:
a) chain + 2 laps low point with black
b) 2 laps low point with the color mustard
c) 8 laps of the low point with black and

etc. ..
the final effect, when combined the squares is as follows, it seems to me essential, but nice ...
then around to the two super granny made us want to two rounds of low point in black c. .. then .... mah .. are not sure yet what I will do .... Following the next time ...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Where Does Andy Sixx Post His Vloggs

granny squares (they say granny?) L-shaped fringes

time ago I saw a bag that was based on the L-shaped handles and I fell in love (even the stock market but especially the square).

technical difficulties there are, but just to make chains, low points and low points along with three reductions, but the possibilities offered by this type of work I think there are many!

Let's start by explaining
1) 28 chains
2) 27 points lower
3) 12 points lower - closed down 3 points with - 12 points lower
4) 11 points lower - closed down 3 points together - 11 points lower
5) 10 points lower - closed down 3 points together - 10 points lower
6) 9 low points - three points lower closed set - 9 low points
7) 8 low points - three points lower closed together - 8 points lower
8) 7 points lower - closed down 3 points together - 7 points lower
9) 6 low points - three points lower closed set - 6 points lower
10) 5 low points - three points lower closed together - 5 points lower
11) 4 low points - three points lower closed together - 4 points lower
12) 3 low points - three points lower close together - 3 points lower
13 ) 2 low points - three points lower close together - two points lower
14) 1 point down - 3 points closed down together - a low point
15) 3 points closed down together ...
forgot ... cut the thread ....

damn what difficulties' (and so boring to write everything !!!!)

to say it does not appear to have great potential for this simple handle ...
but ... if instead of a square, we use solid color (in this case 3) and play a little on when to use them you can get interesting results
see ...

in the first case a) in black turns from 1 to 5
b) in the mustard rounds 6-7
c) amaranth laps 8-9
d) turns black in 10 to 15

in the second case a) in black turns 1 to 7
b) amaranth laps 8-9
c) mustard rounds in 10 to 11
d) turns black in 12 to 15

then we can Take the two squares and set them (and sew) so
to make two more equal squares and place mirror
and then 4 more equal squares and attach this to that, to get the strip below
mmm ... here's something strange .... the colors maybe?
No, no! All right, I'm doing two strips with different colors .. and follow the next episode!
PS do not look a bit wrinkled effect, so then everything will be felted!