Sunday, November 7, 2010

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William Blake: The Ancient of Days (1794)
deism (from Latin deus

) is a rational philosophy of religion developed in centuries XVII and XVIII first Britain and later in France and Germany . It can also be seen as a theology reaffirming that the existence of God is configured in terms different from those of the Christian doctrine traditional. In reality it takes some elements of pantheism Spinoza, but confirms the externalities God than the universe. Deism believes that the proper use of reason

enable man to develop a natural religion and rational complete and comprehensive, capable of explaining the world and man. In its various forms it considers the inessential revelation, or independent of it, believing that it is only for the uneducated. The deist theology is therefore based not on their sacred texts but on the right but assumes a priori the ' existence of divinity, as needed basis to explain the order, harmony and regularity in the universe. The concept of deism, that of a highly creative deities, but also ordering and rationalizing, it is immediately usable, within the classification of teoetotomie

and religions and ethnological perspective, this second model to identify than the first . In fact, a

teoetotomia divinity not only exerts a creative function but also to censor / supervisor ethical man. This mode of understanding the profile of the deity is a quota arrangements which can be found only on systems of worship associated with social class-models. The transition from model to model teoetotomistici deist - supported from various anthropological evidence - has been invoked to explain the myth of original sin . This socio-cultural transformation can indeed be invoked to interpret the passage from the condition prior to the devoured the apple tree - that is precisely the knowledge of good and evil - in which man, living in contexts was not deistic able to experience the state of knowledge of possible actions and choices to be understood as opposition to the will of the gods (evil) deeds and attitudes of welcome to the same (good). Deistic forms, teoetomistiche not, in fact do not provide any concept of sin / corruption / impurities. This implies that they the ethical sphere is subtracted from the confessional, faith.

Man, therefore, can not know the good and evil

. You can immediately identify that value in the name given to the tree in question, that is precisely the

knowledge of good and evil , dall'agiografo. The knowledge of good and evil, real theological categories, it is possible only in a context where the deities emanate rules and laws or ethical principles to which the individual must be followed - on pain of incurring penalties / sentences. The deistic conception, born in an era deeply marked by the wars of religion, will thus, through the use of reason alone, put an end to conflicts between the various revealed religions in the name of quell'univocità of reason, felt, in particular regarding the '

Enlightenment as the only element that can unite all human beings.


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