Saturday, August 1, 2009

Teeth Pulled White Sores

Today August 1, a job really easy ... I know that in the previous post I talked about checks, but .. will be a next time, also because I was doing the squares that I felt like doing something else.
In one of my previous bags - one black in the picture is not seen for almost nothing - I used the fringes that, in fact, had not seen ....
The fringes are simple, very simple indeed.
The underlying basis in this case is a matter of low point, with each fringe is hereby made: a low point and a number of chains (the number varies depending on how long we want to be the fringe - in this case 21 chains)
chains on a row of dots becomes very low (20 in this case) and in the end there is a link pointing to the hook to the body bag on the first point above the bottom making available a low point.
clear fringes are interspersed with low points ...
the final effect of a ride is as follows ..
options at this point are two possibilities: either you opt for a single turn (but in numbers far greater than those which I did), or you are more rounds of fringe interspersed with one or two rounds of low points .. One thing is certain ... These fringes are easy, but it takes a lot of time to make them!


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